Sunday, November 6, 2011

Artist Statment

First Draft: 
Film is an important part of every body’s lives whether they know it or not. These characters can’t just be created from imagination; they live in some form. Whether it is from pieces of the writers/creators own character or a person they have taken inspiration from. But sadly these characters only live from the moment the film starts to the very last credit that rolls. These characters are only able to live one existence; they can’t experience life as we know it.
Through my photographic series I look at these characters and hope to bring them back to life in a new form.

Second Draft:
Film is an important part of everybody's lives. We are surrounded by statistic images on a daily basis, they are everywhere and the audience have no choice but to view them. Film is different; the viewer is actively able to choose to view a film or not. This makes film a more powerful artistic tool, but the viewer still has to be drawn in.
The characters in the films are one aspect, but a key ingredient in holding the audience’s attention long enough to convey the creators intentions. 
These characters are not just created from imagination; they live in some form. Whether it is from pieces of the writer's own character or a person they have taken inspiration from. Sadly these characters only live from the moment the film starts to the very last credit that rolls.
Can these characters exist outside of film? Even just for our own satisfaction.

Third Draft:
Film is an important part of everybody's lives. We are surrounded by static images on a daily basis, they are everywhere and you have no choice but to view them. We are so accustomed to these images we don’t even know our brains are processing them.  However film is different; the viewer is actively able to choose to view a film or not. This makes film a more powerful artistic tool, but the viewer still has to be drawn in. 
The characters in films are just one aspect, but a key ingredient in holding the audience’s attention long enough to convey the creators intentions. 
These characters are not just created from imagination; they live in some form. Whether it’s from pieces of the writer's own character or a person they have taken inspiration from. Sadly these characters only live from the moment the film starts to the very last credit that rolls. 
Can these characters exist outside of film? Even just for our own satisfaction.

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